Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Does Your Destiny Have A Price?

It is by no surprise that degrees in the science and math fields could set you up for a comfortable life. These degrees lead to careers in medicine, engineering, and other similar fields that offer high salaries. More and More freshman as deciding to enter these fields, and who could blame them they are the “safer” choice. The science and math fields are in high demand, so you are likely to find a job. They are possible, meaning that they offer jobs that are obtainable, and they offer good pay.
Though these fields are practicable it does not mean that they should be your only choice. The goal in life should be to stay true to one’s self, and not force yourself to be something that goes against the essence of who you are. I struggled with this concept my freshman year. I came into college with the hope of becoming a neurosurgeon. Though this seemed like a good idea; I learned the hard way that it was not what I was meant to do. My grades suffered, I was unmotivated, and lost my sense of self; all because I was trying to be something that I was not.  In this world you have your writers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, actors, and musicians, all with a different purpose that contributes to the world around them.  So if this is the case, why do we careers that do not suit us?  There are many answers to this question. Now that I look back I see that it was because I wanted to be successful in my families’ eyes. It sounded better to say “I want to be a doctor” than “I want to be a writer”. I just wanted to be thought of as important, to have people “impressed” with me. It took time but I realized that the only thing that mattered was my perception of myself.
“But Phylicia, liberal arts majors do not make much money, and will have a hard time finding a job!” Well maybe so, but I will not focus on me not succeeding but on me giving it my all and succeeding. Think about it, JK Rowling earned “a£500 million ($804 million)” off of the Harry Potter series according to What if she listened to the critics and decided that being a writer was too risky? The point is that you should do what you love to do, not what will make you the quickest buck. I am not telling you to not enter the STEM fields .If you love medicine, science, and math then find a career the exercises your love for the field. I am asking you to stay true to yourself and give yourself a chance for happiness.
Since changing my major I feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. The grades I made my freshman year will be a haunting reminder of what happens when you are not true to yourself. However, I am proud of my freshman year, because it gave me the opportunity to learn and the potential to prosper.  Remember this quote “is it worth my happiness?” when tackling issues in your life, and it will keep everything in prospective.

Good Luck,

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